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Our bodies are made up of 70% water and drinking plenty of it is essential for our survival.  Water helps with proper digestion and absorption of food, regulates our body temperature and blood circulation. It carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells and is necessary for our kidneys to remove toxins and wastes. Problems that can occur when we do not have enough water in our system include: exhaustion, constipation, asthma, headaches, diabetes, heartburn, angina, hypertension, joint and muscle pain, immune diseases, and depression.

It is imperative for people who take prescription

and over the counter medications, as these can be toxic for the body.

Water can help to flush these toxins out of our system via the kidneys.

Another important benefit of drinking enough water is that it can help with fat metabolism. If the kidneys are not able to flush out toxins, then the load is given to the liver, which assists in fat metabolism. When the liver takes over the kidneys’ job, we metabolize less fat and, therefore, cannot get rid of fat from our “problem areas!”

So how much water should we drink daily? It is advised that a person drink about half their body weight in ounces daily. For example, someone who weighs 150 pounds should drink 75 ounces of water a day. It is also important that we choose water that is from a natural source. This means that it should be from an underground source that flows naturally to the surface of the earth, better known as spring water. Spring water will also be rich in minerals, which helps to improve bodily functions, especially adrenal gland function. The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and are responsible for helping us deal with daily stressors and the flight or flight response. Lack of minerals can also lead to insulin resistance, migraines, high blood pressure, and irregular heart beats.

Other sources of quality water include: well water and mineral water. Well water comes from a hole made in the ground and uses a pump to bring the water up. Mineral water can be artesian or spring water from an underground source, and can have 250 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved solids, including minerals and trace elements. Artesian water comes from a natural source, but it is purified and bottled off-site. Tap water, reverse osmosis/purified water, and distilled water are examples of water that does not have the same health benefits as natural spring water.

It is also significant to watch what you drink your water out of. Plastic bottles contain phthalates or BPA (bisphenol A), which are endocrine disruptors, meaning they are linked to hormone imbalance. It is ideal to drink water from a glass bottle or have a water system with a glass tank so that the phthalates do not leak into your water.